Creating And Sustaining Research Partnerships With School Districts

December 10, 2024, noon - 1:30 p.m.

259 Educational Sciences

Katie Eklund and Bath Vaade

Learn how universities and school districts can effectively collaborate on research by focusing on mutual goals, communication, and trust. The presenters will share their experiences developing successful, long-term partnerships in schools. Attend this session to learn best practices in collaborative research design and data sharing. You will leave the session with knowledge and resources to strengthen your own university-district partnerships.

This seminar is open for anyone to attend!

Our Presenters

Beth Vaade is a Madison Education Partnership (MEP) Director and Senior Executive Director of Research, Assessment & Improvement for the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD). Her work focuses on research & evaluation, strategic planning, liberatory design, and cultivating partnerships.

Dr. Katie Eklund is Co-Director of the School Mental Health Collaborative and an Associate Professor of School Psychology at UW–Madison. Her research focuses on school mental health, including early identification and interventions for children with behavioral and social emotional concerns, culturally relevant mental health interventions, school climate, and school safety.